Posted on Aug 21, 2013 in BOOKS, Eugenio Recuenco | No Comments


Eugenio Recuenco, one of the very first photographers that Fast Management represented will be launching his book REVUE in September.

REVUE is an incredible journey through his vision and through his stunning archival imagery.

Pre-orders are available through his publishers website




Posted on Aug 14, 2013 in Editorial, Film, ID Magazine, Menswear, Womenswear | No Comments

Fast Management photographer Kal Griffig directs No.47 for ID Magazine Online.

The film tells the story of a relationship. He loves her more than she loves him. And when they part she comes out stronger than he does. From my experience it seems a common pattern in relationships and break ups, one is left stronger than the other. Music was a great inspiration to this project. Not the kind of music that you actually listen to, but the one that plays in the background and subconsciously influences your mood. The idea of combining music and film was about watching an argument between two people but not hearing what they’re saying. So you sit in a café at the window facing the street. No street noise comes in and all you hear is the murmuring of voices, dishes and background music from the space you sit in. But outside on the street a couple argues. What happens in front of you is visually very heavy and emotional, you feel with it, although you can’t hear their words.

The title ‘No.47′ comes from Joseph Haydn – Sonata No.47 b-minor. It is a very lively piece but it masks emotion. It doesn’t make you happy or sad, maybe just a slight bit aggravated. The music was composed just for the film. It was a very close collaboration between the composer and Kal himself.


Posted on Aug 1, 2013 in Editorial, From the archives, Yuval Hen | No Comments

Cover shoot for the Financial Times’ How to Spend it Magazine shot by Yuval Hen.
