Posted on Jun 5, 2020 in Art, Eugenio Recuenco, News | No Comments

Fast Management is delighted to present the sale of works by our renowned artist, Eugenio Recuenco, from his critically acclaimed 365º exhibition exclusively to collectors in the Asia Pacific Region.

365º is a collection 365 images, 8 years in the making, 120 models, a team of 300 and the vision of a single artist.

365º is a journey through the last 50 years of our time, reflecting on our virtues and imperfections and a stroll in the memories of the exceptional mind of artist, Eugenio Recuenco.

365º is a review of contemporary history from the history of art to social networks. Photographs that play with space to deceive the senses, to arouse strong emotions and to encourage the viewer to form an opinion. In the analysis of reality, today’s society is placed in front of a mirror.